Soap UI
SoapUI is a tool for testing Web Services; these can be the SOAP Web Services as well RESTful Web Services or HTTP based services. SoapUI is an Open Source and completely free tool with a commercial companion -SoapUI Pro- that has extra functionality for companies with mission critical Web Services.
SoapUI has been downloaded more than 3 million times and is seen as the de facto standard for API Service Testing.
XML review
Web services
Web service description language
SoapUI versions
Create new project
Automatic code generation with Apache CXF
Simulate web requests (Mocks)
Simulate web requests with Groovy scripts
Asserts based in XPath expersions
Asserts based in XQuery expersions
Based on response time (SLA)
Based on XSD scheme
Based on resonse HTTP error codes
Based on SOAP responses
Based on presence of content strings
Execute simple test cases: asserts
Execute test case in debug mode
Modularizing test case
Configuration for diferent environments
Create execution and test reports
Test on Demand
Log messages
HTTP conexion preferences with proxies
SSL and WSDL preferences
IDE prefenrences
Tools preferences
Global preferences
Request sampling
Transfer properties between requests
Conditional Goto
Transfer properties. Loadand safe from/to extern files
Delay tests steps
Stack overflow
Perform strategies
Asserts in perform testing
Obtain statistics and interpret perform results
SQL injection
XPath injection
Scripting injection
Fuzzing Scan
Send XML malformed
Integrate test case with JUnit
Integrate test case with Maven
Integrate test case with other tools (Jenkins ...)
Files (csv, excel) or reading from data base
Generating a project from the WSDL
Setting up an environment and injecting SQL into it
Setting up an environment and injecting XPath into it
Data Driven Development. Creating a complete test suite for a real data base
Authentication with HTTP REST
Authentication with HTTP REST with forms
Authentication with OAth 2
Automatic generation for the OAuth 2 session token