Soap UI

SoapUI is a tool for testing Web Services; these can be the SOAP Web Services as well RESTful Web Services or HTTP based services. SoapUI is an Open Source and completely free tool with a commercial companion -SoapUI Pro- that has extra functionality for companies with mission critical Web Services.

SoapUI has been downloaded more than 3 million times and is seen as the de facto standard for API Service Testing.


    • XML review

    • Web services

    • Web service description language

    • SoapUI versions

    • SoapUI IDE

    • Create new project

    • WSDL

    • Automatic code generation with Apache CXF

      • Simulate web requests (Mocks)

        • XPath

        • XQuery

      • Simulate web requests with Groovy scripts

    • Asserts based in XPath expersions

    • Asserts based in XQuery expersions

    • Based on response time (SLA)

    • Based on XSD scheme

    • Based on resonse HTTP error codes

    • Based on SOAP responses

    • Based on presence of content strings

    • Execute simple test cases: asserts

    • Execute test case in debug mode

    • Modularizing test case

    • Configuration for diferent environments

    • Create execution and test reports

    • Test on Demand

    • Log messages

    • Scripting

    • HTTP conexion preferences with proxies

    • SSL and WSDL preferences

    • IDE prefenrences

    • Tools preferences

    • Global preferences

    • Request sampling

    • Transfer properties between requests

    • Conditional Goto

    • Transfer properties. Loadand safe from/to extern files

    • Delay tests steps

      • Load

      • Stress

      • Stack overflow

      • Scalability

    • Perform strategies

    • Asserts in perform testing

    • Obtain statistics and interpret perform results

    • SQL injection

    • XPath injection

    • Scripting injection

    • Fuzzing Scan

    • Send XML malformed

    • Integrate test case with JUnit

    • Integrate test case with Maven

    • Integrate test case with other tools (Jenkins ...)

    • JDBC

    • Files (csv, excel) or reading from data base

    • Generating a project from the WSDL

    • Setting up an environment and injecting SQL into it

    • Setting up an environment and injecting XPath into it

    • Data Driven Development. Creating a complete test suite for a real data base

    • Authentication with HTTP REST

    • Authentication with HTTP REST with forms

    • Authentication with OAth 2

    • Automatic generation for the OAuth 2 session token