Behavior Driven Development

Behaviour Driven Development is a software development process which aims at combining the purely technical and business aspects so as to obtain a work scope and tests suite in which the business requisites take part in the development process.

BDD is a development of TDD (Test Driven Development). In fact, the concept BDD was initially introduced by Dan North as a solution to the problems that arose when teaching TDD.

As we have seen, DBB started as a system which substituted TDD applying these behavioural models and now it has become something more. According to its creator: “using examples at múltiple levels to create a shared understanding and surface uncertainty to deliver software that matters”.


    • What is BDD?

    • BDD nowadays

    • User Stories

    • Three Amigos

      • Feature Injection

      • Impact Mapping

      • Purpose-Based Aligment Model

    • Scene automatization

    • Cucumber

    • Gherkin

    • Acceptance test

    • Selenium

    • Continuos integration

    • Documentation