Object Oriented Programming with C++

The students will understand the fundations about programming language c++ and Object Oriented Programming technique. They will create a solid foundation of concepts and knowledge to use in their carriers.


    • History

    • Basic concepts

    • Variables, operators and types

    • Control Flow

    • Arrays

    • Swap

    • Pointers

    • Dinamic memory, new and delete

    • Reference variables

    • Atributes and methods

    • Void pointers

    • Classes in C++

    • Visibility

    • This pointer

    • Headers (.h) and code (.cpp)

    • Const objects

    • Atributes and statics methods

    • Functions and friend classes

    • Introduction

    • Basic iheritance

    • Access specifications

    • Changing access specifications

    • Multi Inheritance

    • Virtual base classes

    • Pointers to Parent and childs

    • Virtual functions

    • Abstract classes and pure virtual functions

    • Interfaces

    • ofstream

    • ifstream

    • Random file access

    • fstream

    • Functions with templates

    • Classes with templates

    • Specialization

    • Try, catch and throw

    • Catch all and exception specifiers

    • The class Exception and inheritance

    • Introduction

    • Collections

    • Iteractors

    • Algorithims