Developing applications for iOS

The student will learn the foundations of Objective-C and Swift languages. Besides, we will teach all the possibilities available with the Cocoa-Touch framework to create graphic interfaces, connect to a server, access a SQL Data Base and obtain the user’s geographic location.


    • iPhone SDK

    • Get iPhone SDK

    • What is Objective-C?

    • Main language features

    • Using Objects

    • Classes constructors

    • Messaging

    • Managing exceptions

    • Logging

    • Asserts and testing

    • Distributed objects

    • Main library classes

    • Apple integration products

    • Foundations

    • Basic operators

    • Strings and Characters

    • Collection types

    • Functions

    • Closures

    • Enumerations

    • Classes and Structs

    • Methods

    • Subscripts

    • Inheritance

    • Initialization and Deinitialization

    • Automatic reference counting

    • Optional chaining

    • Conversión de tipos

    • Nest types

    • Extensiones

    • Protocols

    • Generics

    • Advance operators

    • View Controllers

    • Views, Outlets y Actions

    • Input Keyboard

    • Table view

    • Screen rotation

    • Animations and video

    • Gestures

    • Acelerometer

    • Web Services

    • Bluetooth

    • Bonjour

    • Apple Push Notification Service

    • Mapas