Developing applications for Android

Learn how to develop an app with Android. Getting to know the programs and environments to develop it and the necessary steps until its publications and later market launch.


    • What is Android?

    • Android SDK Installation, Android Studio, Eclipse and ADT

    • The APK files

    • Emulators and phisycal devices

    • XML file and AndroidManifest.xml

    • Sign APK and distribution

    • Application characteristics

    • Activities

    • Activities life cycle

    • Intents

    • Layouts y views

    • ViewGroups

    • Advanced views

    • Screens resolutions

    • ListView y Adapters

    • How to handle an event

    • Styles and themes

    • Contextual menu

    • Menu items, submenu and contextual menu

    • Dialogs

    • Toasts

    • Notifications

    • Preferences and screen states

    • Files

    • Android SQLite

    • Content providers

    • How to execute

    • Local and remote services

    • Threads and AsyncTask

    • Camera photo

    • Network conection and bluetooth

    • Location services

    • Sensor Manager, how to: accelerometer, orientation

    • Vibration

    • HTTP / SOAP / Rest Requests

    • Processing XML / JSON