
Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of solving a growing number of use cases. As the heart of the Elastic Stack, it centrally stores your data so you can discover the expected and uncover the unexpected.

The course aims at obtaining a solid background in searching and recovering information, from the foundations and internal components to all practices, characteristics and searching apps development distributed by Elasticsearch. By the end of the course the participant would have gathered a profound knowledge of you Elasticsearch works and would be able to analyse, understand and solve common problems. The participant would also be able to build searching apps.


    • Terminology

    • Basic concepts

    • Configuration and basic operations

    • Cluster in ElasticSearch

    • Fragments and replica Shard

    • Configuration

    • API and local access

    • Multiple indexes

    • Index aliases

    • Index operations

    • Handling data

    • Analisis

    • Assignments

    • Index operations

    • Version controls

    • API Adjustments

    • DSL Queries

    • Sorting results

    • Facests

    • Search Types

    • Highligting

    • Routing and other search components

    • Nested documents

    • Parent-Child relationship

    • Geo-location

    • Percolocator

    • Relevance

    • Recover cluster state

    • Low level replicas

    • Recover fragments

    • Multiple indexes

    • Cluster Reroute

    • Routing with aliases

    • Data architecture

    • Performance Adjustments

    • Data stream

    • Memory assigment

    • Monitoring

    • Alerts

    • Statistics API